Dear maintainers at [EMAIL PROTECTED],

I'm registered as user TWEGNER. I'd like to upload a new module to my 
CPAN directory soon. The module is a DBD driver for the dtF/SQL 
database engine, Macintosh OS edition. The suggested name is 
DBD::DtfSQLmac. This module is a pure Perl driver and can only be 
used in conjunction with an interface (extension) module that will be 
part of the distribution. The suggested name for the Perl interface 
module is Mac::DtfSQL. As far as I know, there will be no namespace 
conflict for both packages.

Here are the details:

   Thomas Wegner

-Description for DBD::DtfSQLmac:

   DSLI entry: "RdpO"
   44 character desc.:  "dtF/SQL (Mac OS edition) driver for DBI"
   Category:  Database Interfaces

-Description for Mac::DtfSQL:

   DSLI entry:  "Rdcf"
   44 character desc.: "Perl interface to the dtF/SQL DB engine"
   Category:  Mac (Macintosh OS)

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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