As you may be aware, development perl has just switched to using the new
perlio system by default. perlio lets you resister layers to perform
transformations on data as it passes into or out of perl.
I'm not quire sure of who ([EMAIL PROTECTED], perl5-porters...) decides on
the most sensible namespace for these. I sent a message to perl5-porters
asking, and the only response was from Nick Ing-Simmons, which I've
attached. He suggested PerlIO::*
There was no other comment.
On the basis of this show of silence I uploaded my gzip layer as
PerlIO::gzip to CPAN, but I'm not sure if this was somewhat presumptuous
of me, as it's occupying a new top level namespace without asking
permission. As both the module and the whole perlio system is only in the
development track, there is no problem changing its name if needed.
Is Nick's suggestion of PerlIO::* [capitalisation is the same as all the PerlIO
structures in the perlio.c source] the best name for perlio related
Nicholas Clark
----- Forwarded message from Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 09:26:44 GMT
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In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from Nicholas Clark on Sun, 4
Feb 2001 22:58:49 +0000
Subject: Re: namespace for layer modules
From: Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: via, but not speaking for : Texas Instruments Ltd.
Reply-To: Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 01:33:07AM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>> 1: How is it proposed to avoid namespace clashes with layers?
Right now there is no proposal. Suggestions welcome.
The use of ':' as in :gzip comes from similarity (eventual convergence with?)
my $foo : gzip;
attribute syntax.
Given the desire for convergence there (does that make sense?) then
the issue you raise could be generalized to "how to we propose to
avoid namespace clashes with attributes?".
>> 2: Is there a suggested namespace (eg Layer:: ?) for modules implementing
>> layers?
I think PerlIO::* makes sense, unless we want to make the entire space
pragma-oid and make it perlio::
That avoids re-naming if "layers" as a term get the thumbs down from
Larry or book editors.
>3: Is there a standard (memorable) way of passing arguments to layers?
Again the passing of arguments to layers, is a re-implemented version
of the passing of arguments to attributes (as documented but little
used). That speaks of being like qq() as I recall.
>I was thinking of
>where bar is an option, baz and name are options with a value, and the %
>encoding is being used to allow characters that might have meaning in the
>layer syntax. However, 2 digit % encoding isn't utf8 friendly at all.
It isn't really utf8 unfriendly either - it just unfriendly in general.
In that particular case utf8-ness isn't the issue but ASCII-ness vs
EBCDIC-ness would be.
I have a feeling that putting too much in the one string is a mistake.
I think we may need something akin to ioctl() which can call
"method(s)" on the "layer object" to allow a more extensible
>This isn't a direct worry to me at the moment as RFC 1952 says gzip files
>contain embedded names and comments in ISO 8859-1.
The :encoding() stuff is also going to say that names are in some
well defined subset - as soon as I figure out what terminology to use.
>But I can see it being fun in the future.
>Should the push layer code use a negated length for the argument string to
>specify utf8 like hash keys?
That seems to be the way the guts are going, and being consistent is good.
But that is just the latest in the long line of ad. hoc. conventions
and is not really "proven" yet.
Nick Ing-Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Via, but not speaking for: Texas Instruments Ltd.
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