Yes I am 'both' Chris Dagdigian's...the first account (CHDAG) was created
initially when Ewan Birney and I were kicking off the project.
There were some problems with my password and I don't believe that I was
ever able to login as CHDAG. I let the account go fallow as Ewan handled
the CPAN upload process for the bioperl project.
The 'CRAFFI' account is the newly created one and is what I used to upload
So, I would recommend that the [EMAIL PROTECTED] account (CHDAG) be
deleted. Any bioperl related uploads I will do from the CRAFFI account.
Your help has been greatly appreciated!
At 10:43 PM 1/15/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 12:34:46 +0000 (GMT), Ewan Birney
>By the way, Chris, do you know anything about a second Chris Dagdigian
>or is that one also you. And if so, should "he" be deleted?
>cpan> a /dagdig/
>Author CHDAG ("Chris Dagdigian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
>Author CRAFFI ("Chris Dagdigian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
>2 items found