>>>>> On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:56:13 -0500 (EST), Chris Dagdigian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings from the Bioperl Project (www.bioperl.org and bio.perl.org) :)
> In addition to contributing the Bundle::bioperl module I would also
> like to be able to use my PAUSE upload ability to upload new bioperl
> distributions. Currently we only have one developer (Ewan Birney)
> with CPAN upload access.
Ewan, could you please confirm? Please let us know who else should
have upload permissions for the namespaces used in bioperl?
With big namespaces it usually is a bit complicated to split
responsibility, sometimes a split of the a big distribution file into
smaller pieces is called for. Whatever, please let us know if there is
interest to have multiple maintainsers for bioperl, who they are,
which namespaces are affected, and I will teach the database to
respect your wishes.