On 13 Jan 2001, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

> >>>>> On Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:56:13 -0500 (EST), Chris Dagdigian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>   >  Greetings from the Bioperl Project (www.bioperl.org and bio.perl.org) :)
>   >  In addition to contributing the Bundle::bioperl module I would also
>   >  like to be able to use my PAUSE upload ability to upload new bioperl
>   >  distributions. Currently we only have one developer (Ewan Birney)
>   >  with CPAN upload access.
> Ewan, could you please confirm? Please let us know who else should
> have upload permissions for the namespaces used in bioperl?
> With big namespaces it usually is a bit complicated to split
> responsibility, sometimes a split of the a big distribution file into
> smaller pieces is called for. Whatever, please let us know if there is
> interest to have multiple maintainsers for bioperl, who they are,
> which namespaces are affected, and I will teach the database to
> respect your wishes.

It would be good if both chris and I could have full permissions across
the Bio:: namespace. Internally to bioperl we have good communication
lines, and chris and I can coordinate uploads between teh two of us...

> -- 
> andreas

Ewan Birney. Mobile: +44 (0)7970 151230, Work: +44 1223 494420

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