I'm not sure quite how this works but I'm the currently active maintainer of 
Net::Whois along with the inactive maintainer Chip and therefore I think Chip and I 
own the namespace.
Considering that this code was offered in principle as complete many months ago and 
only sent to me the evening before this namespace proposal
I think you all are running a bit quick and impatient.
Not to mention you could have asked to have delegation of Net::Whois::RIPE to Chip and 
I directly in private.
Slow down, and I'll check out your module and see where it fits with the other 
contributed code to handle various RIPE-style domains.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Gampe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "perl modules" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2000 1:33 AM
Subject: Net::Whois::RIPE namespace proposal?

> Hi,
> I would like to propose the following module for inclusion into the
> Net::Whois namespace.
> Name              DSLI  Description                                  
> -------------     ----  --------------------------------------------
> Net::Whois::RIPE  adpO  Perl module API to a RIPE-157 database
> Standard   Description                               Module Name
> --------   -----------                               -----------
> RIPE157    RIPE Network Management Database Client   Net::Whois::RIPE
> Also I just did a quick search of the 'official' module list
> http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html and noted that none of
> the current Whois client modules (Net::Whois, Net::Whois::RAW, etc) are
> included.  Is there a reason for this?  
> References:
> http://ftp.apnic.net/ietf/rfc/rfc0000/rfc0954.txt
> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-157.html
> -- 
> For PGP Key ID B49E3514,                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     
> send mail with Subject: pgp-key-request phoneto:+61-7-3367-0490     
> Paul Gampe - Technical Manager - APNIC    faxto:+61-7-3367-0482
> *** APNIC Meeting Oct 2000 - http://www.apnic.net/meetings ***


>        Whois::RIPE - Perl OO implementation of Whois.
>            use Net::Whois::RIPE;
>            my $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new($host,Timeout=>10);
>            $whois->find_less;          # find all less specific matches
>            my @results=$whois->query('');
>            my $resp = $results[0];     # only look at the first result
>            print $resp->person(), "\n";
>            print $resp->address(), "\n";
>            print $resp->fax_no(), "\n";
>        Net::Whois::RIPE is a class implementing a RIPE whois
>        client.
>        nnnneeeewwww ((((HHHHOOOOSSSSTTTT 
>            This is the constructor for a new Net::Whois::RIPE
>            object. `HOST' is the name of the remote host to which
>            a whois connection is required.
>            `OPTIONS' are passed in a hash like fashion, using key
>            and value pairs.  Possible options are:
>            PPPPoooorrrrtttt - The port number to connect to on the remote
>            machine for the whois connection
>            TTTTiiiimmmmeeeeoooouuuutttt - Set a timeout value 
>(defaults to 30)
>            DDDDeeeebbbbuuuugggg - debug level
>            The constructor croaks on failure.
>        +o 
>               Sends a template request to whois host for a
>               template for WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME.  Results are
>               returned in a 
>_N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. The
>               template is retrieved via the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t method on the
>               _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y 
>               $t = $whois->template('person');
>               $text = $t->content;
>        If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will
>        carp and return undef.
> 2000-07-05                 perl v5.6.0                          1
>        +o 
>               Like tttteeeemmmmppppllllaaaatttteeee, but 
>sends a verbose template request
>               to the whois host for WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME. Results
>               are returned in a 
>_N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object.
>               The verbose template is retrieved via the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t
>               method on the 
>_N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object.
>               $vt = $whois->verbose_template('person');
>               $text = $vt->content;
>        If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will
>        carp and return undef.
>        +o 
>               Formats query flag options (see below) and sends
>               them and QUERY_TEXT to the server. If called in a
>               scalar context then the first object returned from
>               the server is passed back as a single
>               _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y 
>object.  In an array
>               context, all returned objects returned from the
>               server are parsed into in a list and returned
>               (potentially quite large).
>               $q = $whois->query('key')  # a single Query
>               @q = $whois->query('key')  # an array of Queries
>        If QUERY_KEY is undefined, undef is returned. Any failure
>        will carp and return undef.
>        If 
> is greater than zero then the server
>        response will be abandoned when greater than max_read_size
>        bytes have been read. The last _Q_u_e_r_y object read will have
>        warning messages set to indicate that the response was
>        cut.
>        +o 
>               Sends UPDATE_TEXT directly to server. Query flag
>               options (below) are not used by update. Server
>               response is returned via 
>               Use the ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnntttt method on 
>the Query object to via
>               server response.
>         my $q = $whois->update($message)
>         print $q->content
>        If UPDATE_TEXT is undefined, undef is returned.  Any
>        failure will carp and return undef.
>        If no _c_h_a_n_g_e_d field can be found to determine a login and
>        domain the method will carp and return undef.
>        If 
> is greater than zero then the server
>        response will be abandoned when greater than max_read_size
>        bytes have been read.
> 2000-07-05                 perl v5.6.0                          2
>        +o 
>               Sets/reads the maximum number of bytes that
>               _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E will read before 
>returning. This
>               is to limit huge responses from the server
>               overloading scripts.
>        a _m_a_x___r_e_a_d___s_i_z_e of zero indicates nnnnoooo 
>        +o ffffllllaaaagggg 
>               The following flags may be set by calling the
>               method. Their meaning is identical to the ripe
>               whois client. These flags require no arguments,
>               they simply set the flag on.
>               Method                       Equivalent whois flag
>               search_all                   -a
>               fast_raw                     -F
>               find_less                    -L
>               find_more                    -m
>               find_all_more                -M
>               no_recursive                 -r
>               no_referral                  -R
>               no_sugar                     -S
>        +o ffffllllaaaagggg 
>ttttaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg vvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss
>               The following flags may be set by calling the
>               method with a value.  There meaning is identical to
>               the ripe whois client.
>               Method                       Equivalent whois flag
>               inverse_lookup(ATTRIBUTE)    -i ATTRIBUTE
>               port(PORT)                   -p PORT
>               source(SOURCE)               -s SOURCE
>               type(TYPE)                   -T TYPE
>        Paul Gampe, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        Bruce Campbell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        Kevin Baker, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        _p_e_r_l(1).  Net::Whois::RIPE::Query
> 2000-07-05                 perl v5.6.0                          3

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