Hi, I would like to propose the following module for inclusion into the Net::Whois namespace. Name DSLI Description ------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- Net::Whois::RIPE adpO Perl module API to a RIPE-157 database Standard Description Module Name -------- ----------- ----------- RIPE157 RIPE Network Management Database Client Net::Whois::RIPE Also I just did a quick search of the 'official' module list http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html and noted that none of the current Whois client modules (Net::Whois, Net::Whois::RAW, etc) are included. Is there a reason for this? References: http://ftp.apnic.net/ietf/rfc/rfc0000/rfc0954.txt http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-157.html -- For PGP Key ID B49E3514, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] send mail with Subject: pgp-key-request phoneto:+61-7-3367-0490 Paul Gampe - Technical Manager - APNIC faxto:+61-7-3367-0482 *** APNIC Meeting Oct 2000 - http://www.apnic.net/meetings ***
::opt::apnic::liUbs:e:rNeCto:n:tWrhiobiu:st::eo:dpRtIP:Pe:Era(lp3n)Diocc:u:mleinbt:a:tNieotn::Whois::RIPE(3) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE Whois::RIPE - Perl OO implementation of Whois. SSSSYYYYNNNNOOOOPPPPSSSSIIIISSSS use Net::Whois::RIPE; my $whois = Net::Whois::RIPE->new($host,Timeout=>10); $whois->find_less; # find all less specific matches my @results=$whois->query(''); my $resp = $results[0]; # only look at the first result print $resp->person(), "\n"; print $resp->address(), "\n"; print $resp->fax_no(), "\n"; DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN Net::Whois::RIPE is a class implementing a RIPE whois client. CCCCOOOONNNNSSSSTTTTRRRRUUUUCCCCTTTTOOOORRRR nnnneeeewwww ((((HHHHOOOOSSSSTTTT [[[[,,,,OOOOPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNSSSS]]]])))) This is the constructor for a new Net::Whois::RIPE object. `HOST' is the name of the remote host to which a whois connection is required. `OPTIONS' are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. Possible options are: PPPPoooorrrrtttt - The port number to connect to on the remote machine for the whois connection TTTTiiiimmmmeeeeoooouuuutttt - Set a timeout value (defaults to 30) DDDDeeeebbbbuuuugggg - debug level The constructor croaks on failure. MMMMEEEETTTTHHHHOOOODDDDSSSS +o tttteeeemmmmppppllllaaaatttteeee((((WWWWHHHHOOOOIIIISSSS____OOOOBBBBJJJJEEEECCCCTTTT____NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE)))) Sends a template request to whois host for a template for WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME. Results are returned in a _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. The template is retrieved via the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t method on the _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. $t = $whois->template('person'); $text = $t->content; If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will carp and return undef. 2000-07-05 perl v5.6.0 1 ::opt::apnic::liUbs:e:rNeCto:n:tWrhiobiu:st::eo:dpRtIP:Pe:Era(lp3n)Diocc:u:mleinbt:a:tNieotn::Whois::RIPE(3) +o vvvveeeerrrrbbbboooosssseeee____tttteeeemmmmppppllllaaaatttteeee((((WWWWHHHHOOOOIIIISSSS____OOOOBBBBJJJJEEEECCCCTTTT____NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE)))) Like tttteeeemmmmppppllllaaaatttteeee, but sends a verbose template request to the whois host for WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME. Results are returned in a _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. The verbose template is retrieved via the _c_o_n_t_e_n_t method on the _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. $vt = $whois->verbose_template('person'); $text = $vt->content; If WHOIS_OBJECT_NAME is undefined then the method will carp and return undef. +o qqqquuuueeeerrrryyyy((((QQQQUUUUEEEERRRRYYYY____TTTTEEEEXXXXTTTT)))) Formats query flag options (see below) and sends them and QUERY_TEXT to the server. If called in a scalar context then the first object returned from the server is passed back as a single _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y object. In an array context, all returned objects returned from the server are parsed into in a list and returned (potentially quite large). $q = $whois->query('key') # a single Query @q = $whois->query('key') # an array of Queries If QUERY_KEY is undefined, undef is returned. Any failure will carp and return undef. If mmmmaaaaxxxx____rrrreeeeaaaadddd____ssssiiiizzzzeeee is greater than zero then the server response will be abandoned when greater than max_read_size bytes have been read. The last _Q_u_e_r_y object read will have warning messages set to indicate that the response was cut. +o uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee((((UUUUPPPPDDDDAAAATTTTEEEE____TTTTEEEEXXXXTTTT)))) Sends UPDATE_TEXT directly to server. Query flag options (below) are not used by update. Server response is returned via _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E_:_:_Q_u_e_r_y. Use the ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnntttt method on the Query object to via server response. my $q = $whois->update($message) print $q->content If UPDATE_TEXT is undefined, undef is returned. Any failure will carp and return undef. If no _c_h_a_n_g_e_d field can be found to determine a login and domain the method will carp and return undef. If mmmmaaaaxxxx____rrrreeeeaaaadddd____ssssiiiizzzzeeee is greater than zero then the server response will be abandoned when greater than max_read_size bytes have been read. 2000-07-05 perl v5.6.0 2 ::opt::apnic::liUbs:e:rNeCto:n:tWrhiobiu:st::eo:dpRtIP:Pe:Era(lp3n)Diocc:u:mleinbt:a:tNieotn::Whois::RIPE(3) +o mmmmaaaaxxxx____rrrreeeeaaaadddd____ssssiiiizzzzeeee(((([[[[IIIINNNNTTTTEEEEGGGGEEEERRRR]]]])))) Sets/reads the maximum number of bytes that _N_e_t_:_:_W_h_o_i_s_:_:_R_I_P_E will read before returning. This is to limit huge responses from the server overloading scripts. a _m_a_x___r_e_a_d___s_i_z_e of zero indicates nnnnoooo limit. +o ffffllllaaaagggg ooooppppttttiiiioooonnnnssss The following flags may be set by calling the method. Their meaning is identical to the ripe whois client. These flags require no arguments, they simply set the flag on. Method Equivalent whois flag search_all -a fast_raw -F find_less -L find_more -m find_all_more -M no_recursive -r no_referral -R no_sugar -S +o ffffllllaaaagggg ooooppppttttiiiioooonnnnssss ttttaaaakkkkiiiinnnngggg vvvvaaaalllluuuueeeessss The following flags may be set by calling the method with a value. There meaning is identical to the ripe whois client. Method Equivalent whois flag inverse_lookup(ATTRIBUTE) -i ATTRIBUTE port(PORT) -p PORT source(SOURCE) -s SOURCE type(TYPE) -T TYPE AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRR Paul Gampe, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bruce Campbell, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kevin Baker, [EMAIL PROTECTED] SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO _p_e_r_l(1). Net::Whois::RIPE::Query 2000-07-05 perl v5.6.0 3