>>>>> On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 13:25:41 -0600 (MDT), "Ged the Grey's Hain"
> Hi,
> I would like to apply for a CPAN id.
> My information per 04pause:
> Name: Michael Granger
> Homepage: http://www.FaerieMUD.org/
> Preferred ID: GED
> Planned Contributions:
> -*Modules*-
> Name DSLI Description Info
> ------------ ---- -------------------------------------------- ----
> Mud::* cdcO A multi-user online interactive game server GED
> Text::Templar RdpO An object-oriented templating system GED
> DBIx::
> TableAdapter adpO An object-relational mapper for DBI tables GED
> Class::
> Translucent RdpO Translucent (ala perltootc) method creation GED
> Exception RdpO Exception handling functions and classes GED
> Apache::
> AppServer RdpO A mod_perl appserver in the style of jserv GED
> Icebox cdcO A mod_perl frontend for Icecast MP3 servers GED
> Wiki cdcO A mod_perl implementation of WikiWikiWeb GED
Exception is a highly suspect namespace as it sounds rather
authoritative. Last week I suggested to Matt Sergeant (the author of
another Exception module)
Maybe call it Exception::Simple, then we can recommend future
implementors of Exception modules to collect their alternatives in
the Exception:: namespace.
Could you try to come up with a humble namespace _below_ Exception?
Icebox is OK, but why not Icecast if it is already named after that
product? And why not Apache::Icecast? Same question for Wiki.