I would like to apply for a CPAN id.
My information per 04pause:
Name: Michael Granger
Homepage: http://www.FaerieMUD.org/
Preferred ID: GED
Planned Contributions:
Name DSLI Description Info
------------ ---- -------------------------------------------- ----
Mud::* cdcO A multi-user online interactive game server GED
Text::Templar RdpO An object-oriented templating system GED
TableAdapter adpO An object-relational mapper for DBI tables GED
Translucent RdpO Translucent (ala perltootc) method creation GED
Exception RdpO Exception handling functions and classes GED
AppServer RdpO A mod_perl appserver in the style of jserv GED
Icebox cdcO A mod_perl frontend for Icecast MP3 servers GED
Wiki cdcO A mod_perl implementation of WikiWikiWeb GED
moduletool - a templated interactive perl module creation tool
I have discussed some of these contributions with people in the Perl community
at various Perl gatherings (Denver.pm, Perl Whirl, Open Source Conference,
etc.), at which people seemed fairly interested, but have not mentioned them on
Usenet or similar.
Thanks for your time.
Ged the Grey's Hain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perlmage, Believer, Architect
The FaerieMUD Consortium <http://www.FaerieMUD.org/>