>>>>> On Tue, 30 May 2000 09:39:27 -0700 (PDT), Bill Raty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
br> NOTE: Work has not been discussed in public electronic forum as
br> yet. Submission is being attempted at the suggestion of colleagues
br> that have seen the concept in use and believe it may be of use to
br> other Perl programming professionals.
I'd suggest you discuss your ideas publicly first. They partly look
familiar and yet slightly different to existing solutions. It would
certainly help if you could present them in comparison with your
competitors so one can see the differences to closely related modules
and concepts better. This would also help to find the proper
namespaces. OTOH, if you want to code a proof-of-concept first and
need a namespace for the first draft, feel free to take anything that
is not yet taken, but make clear in the documentation, that the
namespace still is subject to change.