your name: Bill Raty
your email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your homepage if you have one:  N/A 
your preferred user-ID on CPAN: WRATY


Propose the following 3 packages:

1) Hash- base class that provides OO semantics to an
associative array.  Provides quick assist to writing new
classes when the underlying structure is a hash.  Class user
can create, set, delete, get value, and test existence of keys,
and groups of keys (splices).  

Provides pretty-printer method as well as pretty-print to
string method.  The 'exist' method can test for existence of
multiple keys at once (all requested keys must exist to return

Other utility methods provided to generate shallow copies of an
instance, a unblessed hash or hash reference of instance, and
new instances with a subset of members of original instance are

2) Hash::Struct- sub class of Hash class but with a declared
structure.  Only declared members of a sub-class of
Hash::Struct may be get/set.  Advantage over pre-existing Perl
module is that sub classes of derived classes can be built. 

3) Hash::Autoloaded- sub class of Hash with a universal proxy

NOTE: Work has not been discussed in public electronic forum as
yet.  Submission is being attempted at the suggestion of
colleagues that have seen the concept in use and believe it may
be of use to other Perl programming professionals.


-Bill Raty

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