>>>>> On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 21:45:44 -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Concerns are:
> - It's really big. Might it be time to segment it?
I still love it as one big piece. I wouldn't mind producing additional
lists chapterwise though. Would that fit the bill?
> - The core modules. I noticed the other night that some guy was crawling
> the heck out of search at the rate of 7 or 8 requests per second. This
> didn't load the server too horribly until he started hitting the core
> modules and docs because the tar.gz distribution has to be uncompressed
> for each request. I was thinking perhaps that unless the query parameter
> is present the engine could fetch it out of already decompressed sources.
> It's a thought since it would be trivial to DoS the box with these
> requests en masse.
If search isn't programmed to be fast, we are in deep troubles. Maybe
the code should be made publically available and setting up mirrors of
search should be made easy. That could serve two purposes: attract
contributing programmers and later clusterize search services. Maybe
such a tarball is available already?
> - I thought the addition of the author pages might be a nice touch along
> with the RFCs, etc. which I put up at
> http://chaos.wustl.edu/~elaine/download/modulelist-E.html
> Use if you like, I'm just procrastinating on a Friday night :)
Sure, looks much better than before, thanks! I've replaced the thing
on PAUSE's incoming directory with this fix.
> - Deprecation. e.g., TOMC has Date-GetDate listed on search yet clicking
> on it gives me a module listing ANDK. It's a nit, but people who haven't
> been around will see that and wonder if they have the right module since
> it seemed to change ownership without explanation. Yes, the README explains
> the deal but maybe there can be some sort of tag for deprecated modules
> and modules which have been passed from one author to another.
This is most definitely a bug on search
cpan> m Date::GetDate
Module id = Date::GetDate
CPAN_FILE A/AN/ANDK/Date-GetDate-2.02.tar.gz
INST_FILE (not installed)
What search doesn't know is that both TOMC and ANDK are on an access
control list, so uploads from either of them will get indexed while
uploads by anybody else will be ignored. We need either to propagate
the ACL to search or search needs to follow
modules/02packages.details.txt.gz more closely. I'm not sure which of
the two.