On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 06:44:08AM -0400, Mark-Jason Dominus wrote:
> I still think it will be best to have it point into the author's
> directory. But I also think it doesn't matter very much what you do.
Not with intent to be biased, but I think a link to search.cpan.org would be
One of the most common questions I get asked is that someone cannot find
a module of mine, but they are sure they have looked on CPAN. Why ? Because
it is in a distribution which is not named after that module. eg libnet
Linking to search.cpan.org/search?module=Net::FTP will solve that.
However the downside is that not all modules in the module list actually exist
on CPAN. This is the problem the catalog on search's front page has as it was generated
from an earlier modules list. For these modules they will get a not found.
But then pause knows what is on CPAN, so it can just not create links for those
modules that have not been uploaded.
The other advantage of of search is that they can get to read any docs in
the distribution without haveing to download/unpack.