MJD asked me to consider adding a hyperlink to each module's name in
the module list pointing to the file on CPAN that contains it. Good
idea! Question remains, where exactly should the link point to?
After a little poking around, we came to the suggestion to point to
the module's page on search.cpan.org. Isn't this a convenient chance
to increase the visibility of search? Note, that linking to the
distribution file via relative URL is *not* an alternative because the
module list is not updated hourly and the link would become outdated
quickly. One could argue, the ML *should* be updated hourly, well,
maybe. I'm still bandwidth impaired mentally and dislike an hourly
change of a big file.
Modules without a distribution will then have no link, of course,
because search has no page for them. This might look ugly, but at
least it can be used to improve debugging of the ML.
I'll experiment with the link to search. If somebody has a comment,
please speak up.