Hi.  I would like to request a CPAN developer ID.  The information which
http://www.perl.com/CPAN-local/modules/04pause.html indicated I should
provide is:

Name:           Matthew R. Sheahan
E-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home page:      http://crystal.palace.net
Preferred ID:   CHAOS

My initial planned contribution is a simple XS module which does fast
analysis of character positions in strings; I use this module for quick
parsing of an embedded scripting syntax.  Possible future contributions
include a convenient syntax extension for metering code execution time,
a module for checking the actual current content type of a scalar, yet
another mod_perl execution environment, and a pleasant OO database
interaction suite.  

The module-list format description of my string analysis module is:

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
::Positions    Rdcf  Quickly analyzes char positions in strings   CHAOS

I have not discussed this module publicly.  It is very simple and
appears to operate reliably; my intention with this request is to
use it as an initial foray into code publication with something that
shouldn't get me into too much trouble.

                                                |     Matthew R. Sheahan    |
                                                | Crystal Palace Networking |

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