As discussed a few weeks ago, here's the first version of the
Log::Dispatch ::TkText widget.
Please could you try it (provided you load first Log::Dispatch) and
tell me what you think about the module and its doc.
Here's an extract from the README file:
This widget provide:
- a read-only text widget (based on Tk::ROText) for logging through
the Log::Dispatch module.
- a Tk interface class to handle logs between Log::Dispatch and the Tk
widget dedicated to log message from Log::Dispatch.
Suggested DSLI line in the Ptk module list:
ToTk bdpO Interface class between Log::Dispatch and Tk DDUMONT
TkText bdpO text widget to log Log::Dispatch messages DDUMONT
Before I upload this module to CPAN, I'd like to know if I choosen
correct names for my modules.
module distribution