name:Mark Wilcox email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: PAUSE ID: MEWILCOX Description: I'd like to offer 2 Apache modules that do user authentication & authorization via Graham Barr's Net::LDAP (the pure Perl LDAP API). While there are 2 modules using the Perl/C hybrid LDAP APIs, this will be the first to use Graham's API. My authorization module is also the first module to base authorization around LDAP groups & will provide Apache with the ability to use Netscape Directory server's dynamic group functionality. DSLI: Apache::AuthNetLDAP adpO Apache::AuthzNetLDAP adpO I've mentioned these modules on the perl-ldap mailing list and there seemed to be interest there. I've also talked with some people at Novell about using these modules as the basis for their testings of NDS and Apache. Finally I'll be presenting these modules at this spring's ApacheCon & (hopefully) this year's Perl conference. Mark