Hi Scott,

On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 11:20 AM Stanke, Scott <scott.sta...@digi.com> wrote:

> I understand the command from the Digi router shell: "modem sms-text
> 16511234567 world范例" runs the following commands:
> # # mmcli -m 0 \
>  # > --messaging-create-sms="text='hello world范例',number='+16511234567'"
> # # mmcli -s 6 --send
> My test results, when running the above commands from the shell, shows the
> "/bin/sh: can't create --messaging-create-sms=text='hello
> world范例',number='+16511234567': Read-only file system" probably because I
> do not have the correct permissions when running from the shell. I will ask
> our Engineering team how to find if this filesystem error is seen when
> executing "--messaging-create-sms..." after the router shell command:
> "modem sms-text...".

AFAICS the error you get is due to an extra ">" character in the command
line you quoted above (at the beginning of the second line). This causes
the shell to attempt to redirect mmcli's output into a file instead of
supplying the desired CLI arg.


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