Hi Aleksander, I created a ticket with our IT team and our email communications appear to be working now.
I understand the command from the Digi router shell: "modem sms-text 16511234567 world范例" runs the following commands: # # mmcli -m 0 \ # > --messaging-create-sms="text='hello world范例',number='+16511234567'" # # mmcli -s 6 --send My test results, when running the above commands from the shell, shows the "/bin/sh: can't create --messaging-create-sms=text='hello world范例',number='+16511234567': Read-only file system" probably because I do not have the correct permissions when running from the shell. I will ask our Engineering team how to find if this filesystem error is seen when executing "--messaging-create-sms..." after the router shell command: "modem sms-text...". Please will you confirm the "mmcli -s 6 --send" command should not result in the following error when "text" includes Chinese characters? # error: couldn't send the SMS: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error .Core.InvalidArgs: Cannot prepare SMS to be sent: Cannot generate PDUs: Error pr ocessing input text' Your original response indicates that we should not see the "...Cannot generate PDUs..." error, but I want to be sure as my Team is requesting Engineering to provide OS builds addressing: "proper UTF-8 locale either in the environment or in the filesystem". Thank you. -Scott -----Original Message----- From: Aleksander Morgado <aleksan...@aleksander.es> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 2:48 PM To: Stanke, Scott <scott.sta...@digi.com> Cc: modemmanager-devel@lists.freedesktop.org Subject: Re: ModemManager 1.14.0: Can't send sms with some chars [EXTERNAL E-MAIL] Warning! This email originated outside of the organization! Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hey Scott, > > Thank you for the prompt response found at the following link: > > > > https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flists.freedesktop. > org%2farchives%2fmodemmanager-devel%2f2022-June%2f009281.html&c=E,1,-C > Buf9loEix2nMn-17920tNnhtPs4NYmgbZWkECVPC2oFE-2dnXxdUrv6V-dP4_njpoIjAdQ > qCSx1zcD4vlq50JP-XvdArKFHyGl39pTP3WY9jbx&typo=1 > > > > Sorry for my delayed response. Your response did not make it to my email > inbox. A colleague pointed me to the above link. > For some reason that I fail to understand, all emails I've sent to any @https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fdigi.com&c=E,1,P8KBlngGmEfdGrm7sA_F93VQoidV4GPswrcmticCWy2m6XfbnKhOujDQvcX06i1NyvXgI3Az_Gud8I6fo6lwQzFnFjrpKPWLKdjKLSEodhmTRINzPgr0RvFq-p8C&typo=1 address over the past year have bounced back. I've even tried with multiple email addresses, all get rejected. I hope you can look at the mailing list archives to read this response, and if you prefer, please use a different https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fnon-digi.com&c=E,1,CkT0XNMEDtNXfff4o5GDqLRI0YhQles9ZEvrdi7MFkqzSBcgSPkii21afWkU1bRhUfCpoTTG-Ulc5R1yMVAgL28p_oESxSb9J8731nH6lmNPwsnkNY302p97&typo=1 email address :) > > > I will review your response with Digi International Sr Product Manager. > > > > The test results in my email are from troubleshooting a potential issue when > sending SMS from the Digi Cellular Router shell: > > > > Sending SMS via “modem [sms|sms-text] <number> <message>” results in error > when message contains Chinese characters: > > # modem sms-text 16511234567 world范例 > > error: couldn't send the SMS: > 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.Core.InvalidArgs: Cannot > prepare SMS to be sent: Cannot generate PDUs: Error processing input text' > > successfully deleted SMS from modem > > > > Sending SMS via “modem sms-binary <number> <message>” will send the SMS > message with Chinese characters, but some phones receive the SMS text as > empty or <content not supported>: > > # modem sms-binary 16511234567 world范例 > > successfully sent the SMS > > successfully deleted SMS from modem > > > > Do you know if the above “modem sms-text” and “modem sms-binary” results are > expected, or if our ModemManager implementation may require a fix to support > sending SMS message containing Chinese characters? I have no idea what those "modem sms-text" and "modem sms-binary" things are :) They are not part of the ModemManager project, so I assume those are some internal tools from Digi. -- Aleksander https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2faleksander.es&c=E,1,mGFLSzqb2SmCwG-828xGkhluYi64zppBHbkDzfYX8qdbLMJBxqX15xnpHhUnmTcA_ZMemrOIG9KFv74mbDo-60BlQn5_1bFs7dSc3ZnHYhTWjHx0BrEgYRA,&typo=1