Hi Aleksander, Thank you for the prompt response found at the following link:
https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/modemmanager-devel/2022-June/009281.html Sorry for my delayed response. Your response did not make it to my email inbox. A colleague pointed me to the above link. I will review your response with Digi International Sr Product Manager. The test results in my email are from troubleshooting a potential issue when sending SMS from the Digi Cellular Router shell: Sending SMS via “modem [sms|sms-text] <number> <message>” results in error when message contains Chinese characters: # modem sms-text 16511234567 world范例 error: couldn't send the SMS: 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.Core.InvalidArgs: Cannot prepare SMS to be sent: Cannot generate PDUs: Error processing input text' successfully deleted SMS from modem Sending SMS via “modem sms-binary <number> <message>” will send the SMS message with Chinese characters, but some phones receive the SMS text as empty or <content not supported>: # modem sms-binary 16511234567 world范例 successfully sent the SMS successfully deleted SMS from modem Do you know if the above “modem sms-text” and “modem sms-binary” results are expected, or if our ModemManager implementation may require a fix to support sending SMS message containing Chinese characters? Thank you. -Scott