Sorry for the late reaction and thanks. I was traveling.
Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> You can change the check in the configure script:
This really helped. Not changing the script, but studying and trying to
understand the entire thing. In fact, I found the problem!
SOLUTION: I did not have the SDL development rpm installed, so after
installing it software encoder was included.
As I mentioned before, this is now a completely restored FC -3
installation, and I have failed to install all development packages. In
the past this was not a problem, because when I bastardized the system I
installed components by compiling source codes. Again, I have learned
something. Thank you for your patience and guidance.
Did you try downloading the latest (or newer) mjpeg-tools tar.gz package
unpacking it to a folder and try t compile it ?
Not yet, I hope my system will work as it is. It did work in the past. All I'm trying to do is to
create a "normal", not "bastardized" system, and only install additional source
codes if they are not part of the original set-up, such as video editing.
NEW PROBLEM: Now that I compiled again glav works, it plays the test.avi file I
captured from my video recorder. However, there is no sound.
I had this problem before, and at the time the solution was not to
over-modulate the sound while recording, i.e. to keep capture volume low. This
time no matter what I do with recording levels glav has no sound. I can play
the video clip with xine, the sound is fine (louder or softer depending on the
setting at capture), but glav produces no sound. Any suggestions?
Could this be something like not having some devel rpm installed? When I
compiled mjpegtools everything was OK (configure, make, make check, make
Just to summarize: streamer does record an avi file with video and audio
content that can play normally in xine, however glav only shows video without
P.S. One other thing: I did not get email from the mailing list, so I copied
and pasted the last message from the web site.
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