
> Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
>> I'd really like to hear of a success story (or how you call it). That a
>> zoran card works on a 64 bit machine with a 64bit kernel.
> I have a DC10+ running with a 64-bit Linux 2.6.26 on Intel Core2
> Machine. But I had to do some modifications to the driver because the
> Zoran card can only adress the lower 32-bit of RAM with its DMA engine
> so the buffers for data transfer need to be allocated in that area. I
> did post the necessary changes for some older Kernel versions two years
> ago on the developer list, but I didn't receive much feedback iirc.
You mean the two mails you sent about that problem on the 1.April.2008 
to the mjpeg-users and 19.Mai.2008 to the developer mailing list ? I 
have found them. :)
You did sent a patch. 
in May)

I didn't have a 64 Bit Machine with more than 2GB Ram. So I didn't test 
the patch. And forgot about it.

>> I know that video playback works with xawtv works on a 64 bit kernel.
>> But I was not able to make the zoarn card (DC30 and buz) to record
>> anything.
> Unfortunately I don't have access to a DC30 or buz, but I guess the
> driver code for these cards needs similar changes to work on 64-bit.
The patch you send only changes the 4 Files: zoran_card.c zoran_device.c 
zoran_driver.c zoran.h

>> One think I can try is installing on my machine a 32bit OS and check if
>> recording work. That we would know at least if it is a 32<->  64 bit
>> kernel problem. But for that I would need to find some (extra) time.
> Probably this isn't necessary. I think it should be enough to limit the
> amount of memory the kernel uses to the lower 2 or 3 GB of RAM so that
> the DMA area stays within the 32-bit address space. I guess it should
> suffice to pass mem=2G as a kernel parameter on the bootloader to make
> the card work with an unmodified driver on 64 bits.
This seems to do the trick. The buz seems to work better when you only 
use 1GB Ram. The DC30 works with 2GB Ram too.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

Email: shadowl...@utanet.at
www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard


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