Hello everybody,

The following solved my immediate need, but it's a kludge rather than
a solution.

1) I pulled RAM chips out of my computer and let it run with 1 GB of
memory. Reducing the size of physical memory to 2 GB was not enough. I
suppose adding a mem=1GB option to /boot/grub/grub.conf, as Klaus
suggested, should also solved the problem.

2) Kernel detects my Miro DC30 card and loads the driver, but does not
do so correctly. I have to remove the driver manually and reload it
with "card=3" option:

# rmmod zr36067
# modprobe zr36067 card=3

Ad 1) I suppose the proper solution would be to integrate patches for
64-bit systems upstream.

Ad 2) Back in the old times, we users of DC30 needed to add a line
saying "options zr36067 card=3" to /etc/modprobe.conf.  I have to
figure it out where in the /etc/modprobe.d/ hierarchy this fits.

Thank you all for your help!

Best regards,

2010/5/17 Klaus Stengel <klaus.sten...@asamnet.de>:
> Hi,
> Am Montag, den 17.05.2010, 22:14 +0200 schrieb Primoz PETERLIN:
>> 2010/5/17 Klaus Stengel <klaus.sten...@asamnet.de>:
>> > Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
>> >> I'd really like to hear of a success story (or how you call it). That a
>> >> zoran card works on a 64 bit machine with a 64bit kernel.
>> >
>> > I have a DC10+ running with a 64-bit Linux 2.6.26 on Intel Core2
>> > Machine. But I had to do some modifications to the driver because the
>> > Zoran card can only adress the lower 32-bit of RAM with its DMA engine
>> > so the buffers for data transfer need to be allocated in that area. I
>> > did post the necessary changes for some older Kernel versions two years
>> > ago on the developer list, but I didn't receive much feedback iirc.
>> Now that's interesting. Could it be that it worked for me because I
>> didn't have more than 4 GB of memory? (Yes, I know, you may ask why
>> would one bother at all with a 64-bit system in that case).
> Well, it's certainly related. The more memory you have, the bigger are
> the odds that the buffers will be allocated outside the 4 GB that can be
> addressed with 32 bits. But even if you don't have more than 4 GB of
> RAM, most Mainboards start to map parts of the available memory into the
> bigger address space much earlier. You can check this if you run the
> command:
> cat /proc/iomem | grep 'System RAM'
> The output should look something like this:
> 00000000-0009ebff : System RAM
> 00100000-bd4a0fff : System RAM
> bd4a7000-bd5b6fff : System RAM
> bd60f000-bd6c5fff : System RAM
> bd9ff000-bd9fffff : System RAM
> 100000000-13bffffff : System RAM
> If there are (hex-)numbers which have more than 8 digits, you definitely
> have some memory areas that require 64-bits to be accessed. For the
> machine from the example above, everything above 3033 MB (=bd9fffff hex)
> was remapped beyond the 4 GB limit. It might be possible that your
> machine already does this sort of remapping and if parts of the data
> buffers happen to be allocated in one of those remapped areas, the
> driver will fail. That's also the reason why passing mem=4G as kernel
> parameter most certainly won't help, but limiting the used memory to 2
> GB should be safe for most boards.
> Regards,
> Klaus.
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Primož Peterlin,   Inštitut za biofiziko, Med. fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
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Tel +386-1-5437612, fax +386-1-4315127,  http://biofiz.mf.uni-lj.si/~peterlin/
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