
>>>>> You need to replace the mpeg2enc command with something like that:
>>>>> yuv2lav -q 90 -o stream_without_sound.avi And play it afterwards 
>>>>> back with glav.
> Please find 2 files on http://users.skynet.be/fa991376/
> + fragment with Avidemux from original mpg from JVC MG-GZ505 
> + converted with Cinelerra and "yuv2lav -q 90 -o %" 
> It is clear (when playing the second file in "glav") that the artifacts
> are generated by Cinelerra and not by the next processing step which is
> "mpeg2enc". When rendering in Cinelerra, the movie is shown in the
> player on the right. There also the artifacts show up. How to proceed
> now? Is Cinelerra configurable?
That are actually good news for mpeg2enc. I don't know about Cinelerra 
you will have to ask on their mailinglist(s).

Do you get a good movie when you encode the generated avi after the 
export from Cinelerra ? (with a command like that: lav2yuv yuv2lav.avi | 
mpeg2enc -f 8 -a 3 -o video.m2v)

>> I think the wide format (16:9) is causing the problem.
> Why do you think so?
The script  used in cinelerra, I don't se any option that makes mpeg2enc 
to tag the movie as wide screen (--aspect|-a option). Well I make the 
assumption that cinelerra does not change the aspect ration in the 
stream header.

>> If you could provide a sample screenshot of the output 
>> created by mpeg2enc it would be helpful.
> My Internet Service Provider only gives me 50 MB webspace which is not
> enough to also make the output of mpeg2enc available.
I'm not interested in the whole movie. I just want one or two frames 
where you see the problem. You can play back the movie, and make a 
screen shot. So you end up with a only a few hundred kB for the image.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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