
> I have Mandriva Linux 2008.0 x86_64 PowerPack on a Dell Inspiron 1720 
> notebook with Cinelerra from the Penguin Liberation Front 
> cinelerra-2.1-1.svn1008.1plf2008.0 with 
> mjpegtools-1.9.0-0.rc2.3mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm
> I want to render an mpeg-2 movie from my JVC Everio GZ-MG505 harddisk 
> camcorder to a format for DVD. I follow exactly the manual of Cinelerra 
> CV version 2.1:
> 20.9 Making a DVD
> 20.9.1 Rendering to mpeg2
> yuv4mpeg pipe through mpeg2enc
> Copy in ‘~/cine_render.sh file’ the following lines:
> #/bin/bash
> mpeg2enc -v 0 -K tmpgenc -r 16 -4 1 -2 1 -D 10 -E 10 -g 15 -G 15 -q 6 -b 
> 8600 -f 8 -o $1
> I added -M 3 to improve performance on my Core 2 Duo T7300 processor.
> I played with -q (3 and 8) and -b (11000) parameters after reading the 
> manpage of mpeg2enc.
> The problem: there are horizontal artifacts in the rendered mpeg in a 
> certain scene. I can describe it as a horizontal line with the image 
> below the line not corresponding to the image on top of the line. No 
> block but line artifacts that are very disturbing.
> Did someone struggle with the same and found a solution?
No, but could you put sample images somewhere online ? That makes 
helping much easier (If you send some to me I can put them online to 

It would also be interesting if the stream that comes to mpeg2enc has 
already that kind of problems. You need to replace the mpeg2enc command 
with something like that: yuv2lav -q 90 -o stream_without_sound.avi
And play it afterwards back with glav.

Doe you have some information about the format (frame size) the JVC ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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