On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 00:03 +0100, Bernhard Frühmesser wrote:
> Video playback is at normal speed and the audio is in sync, the quality 
> "is" the same as the file compressor created (well, i don´t see a 
> difference) just the file size from compressor is about 416MB while the 
> filesize from the mpeg2enc created file is about 116MB, so i was 
> wondering if mpeg2enc uses different (maybe newer) compression features 
> than compressor does.

If memory serves from a year or so ago, the file size difference in the
"old version of mpeg2enc that worked properly" an the definitely broken
version was very close to the difference you are getting with compressor
an mpeg2enc. 3 to 4 to one difference in file size. I know a 25 to 30
minute DV capture I made would usually end up being around 1.4 gb after
processing with the old version. After mpeg2enc was broken, the same
capture was 400 to 500 mb an there was a VERY noticeable problem. Both
in video quality an audio/video sync.

SO, I don't know. Guess I'll have to fetch the latest CVS, if that's
what you are currently using, an see what gives.

Perhaps the resident mjpegtools expert, Steven Schultz, will chime in
with some definitive answers long about now...


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