On Mon, 14 May 2007, herve.flores wrote:

> thanks a lot, no pb for the compilke, but the tool crashes on my PPC  
> computer with this build 

        cpu arch (intel or PPC) has, as it turns out, NOTHING to do with it.
        Program would crash on an Intel based MacBookPro.  I haven't tested
        on other systems BUT I think there would be problems there also.

> (it certainly needs some other old stuff  from the 1.7version)

        Not exactly.    Or rather, "maybe" ;)

        What it needed was a proper declaration of the 'psumsq' (pointer to 
        the sumsq function).  That s
> just for info, a log from my system (maybe it can explain something  
> to you?):

        Thanks but as you might have guessed I needed more.  Even then it
        took a long time to figure out what the problem was.

        There were, I think, 2 problems.  One is that motionsearch.h is NOT
        installed by the mjpegtools installation and this line is needed in
        motionsearch_deint.c (where psumsq() is called):

extern int (*psumsq) (uint8_t *blk1, uint8_t *blk2, int rowstride, int hx, int 
hy, int h);

        But even after doing that there is the same type of error that
        was found in yuvdeinterlace.

        There is a HUGE difference between:

nframe[0] = buff_offset + (uint8_t *) bufalloc (buff_size);


inframe[0] = (uint8_t *) bufalloc (buff_offset + buff_size);

        The FIRST one is what was being done.  It allocates a buffer of
        buff_size bytes and THEN modifies the pointer.

        The SECOND line allocates a larger buffer to allow for overshoot

        Also, I changed the 'malloc' to be bufalloc() which will allocate
        properly aligned buffers (required by MMX and Altivec routines).

        Try the attached source kit and see if it works (it should at least
        NOT crash ;)).

        If it doesn't work then well, try Compressor2 - I'm out of free time
        for a few days ;)

        Steven Schultz

Attachment: yuvmotionfps.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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