On Fri, 11 May 2007, herve.flores wrote:

> http://jcornet.free.fr/linux/yuvmotionfps.html


> the last time I managed to reach jerome was... two years ago (he  
> doesn't answer anymore :-(

        So it is an abandoned program :-(

> yuvmotionfps comes with a configure from mjpegtools 1.7 (and this old  
> version desn't compile on macintel)
> take a look to the configure verbose I sent in this thread ;-)

        I didn't pay attention to the beginning of the thread ;)

        But if it's an autoconf problem then running either ./bootstrap
        or ./autogen.sh (if either of those are provided) will regenerate
        the ./configure script.

        If neither ./bootstrap or ./autogen.sh are provided then you can
        try this:

           autoreconf -f -i

        to recreate the ccnfigure script.

> I tried it last year, TOOOOOOoo slow! (and not really better than the  
> tool)

         I thought the motion was supposed to be a little better looking while
         the deinterlacing was not quite as good.

> I don't want to use a commercial product for this "simple use"
> (and -from memory- Compressor doesn't know separate fields in  
> progressive frames, then you'll always loose half of your  

        Not 100% true.  Compressor knows about interlaced video and can encode

        It (Compressor) is not a deinterlacing tool, that is correct.  So
        maybe if you have interlaced video it should remain interlaced during
        the  conversion process.

> yuvmotionfps is not bad (not perfect, it makes some ghosts) but I  
> think it's the best free soluce (but I don't manage to compil it  anymore :-(

        If I have some free time this weekend maybe i'll look at it - but
        recreating the ./configure script might be all that is needed

        Steven Schultz

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