Some additional tests: 1. using Nicolas material "04.yuv" with -m24,24,24 -t24,24,24 -M24,24,24. Result: OK, no tint (at least no other than that already in the frames - can see this on the "white" window decoration...). 2. using Nicolas material "04.yuv" with -m6,24,24 -t12,24,24 -M3,24,24. Result: OK, no tint. 3. using my neutral gray test-chart with Nicolas parameters (2). Result: OK, no tint.
I personaly think, now, the tint is introduced elsewere in the chain (which could be non-trivial to find out), possibly it's caused by the lenght of the filter-chain or possibly it is *in* the sequence already and quite well masked by noise (I had that one with a *red* shift for one clip recorded in a rather dark environment. And after a long time of testing, I found the source to be the fault...). Nicolas, I will (as my time allows) go through your chain an check but I don not believe that it could be the denoiser, anymore... this must be something different... cu Stefan -- Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 131490319 ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory! _______________________________________________ Mjpeg-users mailing list