
In my "quest for a better video" ;-) I compiled and installed the latest
CVS, to use the new version of yuvdenoise.

As some of you recommanded, I used yuvdenoise with the following
yuvdenoise -v 0 -m6,24,24 -t12,24,24 -M3,24,24

My complete command line is:
yuvcorrect -v 0 -T INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST | yuvscaler -v 0 -I
ACTIVE_702x560+8+8 -M BICUBIC | y4mspatialfilter -L 4,0.94,4,0.94 -C
3,0.94,3,0.94 | yuvmedianfilter -v 0 -t 0 | yuvdenoise -v 0 -m6,24,24
-t12,24,24 -M3,24,24 | mpeg2enc -v 0 -K tmpgenc -r 32 -4 1 -2 1 -D 10 -E
10 -g 15 -G 15 -q 5 -b 9500 -f 8 -o $1 

The noise reduction seems to be more effective than in the last version.
However I observe a STRONG greenish tint on my encoded video...

I read an old message about that problem on the mailing list, but it's
in date of 2002! Could my problem be due to a too strong denoising?

Thank you!

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