Hi people,

as the question came up, I did some tests with the current CVS version
of the denoiser to check if it might cause green offsets (like it did a
long time ago)... Here is what I did (if you want to check yourself, no
problem, I can send you the gray.ppm I used...)

   1. Test:

      feeding a 20 shades of plain gray image (ppm, 0-100% colorbars)
      through this commandline: "cat gray.ppm|ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -n 1500
      -r -S 420mpeg2|yuvdenoise -M24,24,24 | mplayer - -vo tga" and then
      analysing frame 750 (let everything stabelize...)

      Result: OK, all levels remain neutral, no green, not by a bit...

   2. Test:

      feeding a 20 shades of plain gray image (ppm, 0-100% gray) through
      this commandline: "cat gray.ppm|ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -n 1500 -r -S
      420mpeg2|yuvdenoise -m24,24,24 | mplayer - -vo tga" and then
      analysing frame 750

      Result: OK, same as test 1...

   3. Test:

      feeding a 20 shades of plain gray image (ppm, 0-100% gray) through
      this commandline: "cat gray.ppm|ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -n 1500 -r -S
      420mpeg2|yuvdenoise -t24,24,24 | mplayer - -vo tga" and then
      analysing frame 750

      Result: OK, same as test 1+2...

   4. Test:

      feeding a 20 shades of plain gray image (ppm, 0-100% gray) through
      this commandline: "cat gray.ppm|ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -n 1500 -r -S
      420mpeg2|yuvdenoise -m 24,24,24 -t24,24,24 -M24,24,24| mplayer -
      -vo tga" and then analysing frame 750

      Result: OK, same as test 1+2+3...

Overall result: In these tests, there have been no green tints resulting
from rounding errors in the denoiser. To make things complete, I will
check the other tools in Nicolas' commandline, too...


Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting: callto:ils.seconix.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 131490319

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