On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Nicolas wrote:

> And unfortunately, I now get a frame data under-runs, which I did not
> have before. The problem occurs only if I use the -q option in the mpeg2enc 

        I think the problem is the same - but the symptom has shifted slightly
        because the input is (slightly) different.

> I tried the following mplex commands, with no more luck:
> mplex -f 8 02.ac3 02.m2v -o 02_r.mpeg
> mplex -f 8 -V -r 10404 02.ac3 02.m2v -o 02_r.mpeg

> ++ WARN: [mplex] Stream e0: data will arrive too late sent(SCR)=477476 
> required(DTS)=477419
> ++ WARN: [mplex] Audio bd: buf=  11869 frame=000173 sector=00000077
> ++ WARN: [mplex] Video e0: buf=  79782 frame=000129 sector=00000447
> INFO: [mplex] STREAM bd completed @ frame 17656.
> INFO: [mplex] Scanned to end AU 14125

> INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :    14126
> INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :      942
> INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :      942 avg. size 68465 bytes
> INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :    13184 avg. size 44546 bytes
> INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :        0 avg. size     0 bytes
> INFO: [mplex] Average bit-rate :  9228000 bits/sec
> INFO: [mplex] Peak bit-rate    :  9768800  bits/sec
> INFO: [mplex] BUFFERING min 17 Buf max 235543
> **ERROR: [mplex] MUX STATUS: Frame data under-runs detected!

> Any clue?

        Yep ;)

        It seems that the stream is slightly high in bitrate.  This is a good
        example of why leaving some "headroom" (not pusing things up to the
        maximum limits) is a good idea.

        Look at the peak rate of 9768800

        9768800 + 224000 (audio) = 9992800

        Now I use 2.5% as the overhead in a "VOB" stream so

        9992800*1.025 = 10242620

        and that is over the 10.08 megabits/sec for the DVD format "-f 8".
        Mplex is detecting that the VBV buffer size is not sufficient to 
        accomodate the input streams.

        IF that analysis is correct (and I'm not way off-base which has
        been known to happen ;)) then all that's needed is to get the
        average bitrate down another ~160 kbits/sec.

        Couple things to try - could change the bitrate to '-b 9400'.  OR
        try adding "-E -10" to the mpeg2enc - that enables the 'single 
        coefficient elimination' rules at a moderate threshold, I have seen
        that lower the average bitrate 10% without (visibly) degrading the

        Good Luck!

        Steven Schultz

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