On Monday 23 January 2006 13:13, Andrew Stevens wrote:
> HI Bob,
> > > What happens if you mplex with the a some AC3 taken off the front of
> > > the sequence
> > >
> > > run
> > >
> > > tail --bytes=+179200 your_original.ac3 > shifted.ac3
> >
> > tail? or head?  Ran your tail command and it produced a shifted.ac3 file
> > of 23568384b   (24 mb? - pretty drastic)
> Definately 'tail' .  That you only got 24mb is mightily weird.  I could
> imagine getting 179200 bytes or 402927617 but 23568384??  Somethings broke.
> N.b. the '+' is crucial and should definately NOT put a 'b' at the end of
> the number.

Hi Andrew,

Whoops, my bad. Took that number from the icon by "mousing" over it and failed 
to refresh the page. Dumb. I should either stick to the CLI or graphical, 
anyway, this is the correct # now.
rw-r--r--  1 root root 402927616 2006-01-23 16:22 shifted.ac3
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 403106816 2006-01-14 22:02 movie.ac3
I guess that looks much better.
> What OS are you running?

Suse 10.0 amd 64 bit

> How did you get the file sizes ('ls -l'?).
> Also I screwed up (out-by-one error), the command should have been
> tail --bytes=+179201 ...

OK, I changed that and the result is shown  above
> Could you try this and see what mplex does with the result and see what 'ls
> -l' gives for the original and 'tail-ed' .ac3 file.

OK ran mplex again with the new shifted.ac3. At least it did not fail 
immediately.  Here is the result:

EasyStreet:/workspace # mplex -f 8 -o "movie.mpg" shrink.m2v shifted.ac3
   INFO: [mplex] mplex version 1.8.0 (2.2.4 $Date: 2005/08/28 17:50:54 $)
   INFO: [mplex] File shrink.m2v looks like an MPEG Video stream.
   INFO: [mplex] File shifted.ac3 looks like an AC3 Audio stream.
   INFO: [mplex] Video stream 0: profile 8 selected - ignoring non-standard 
   INFO: [mplex] Found 1 audio streams and 1 video streams
   INFO: [mplex] Selecting dvdauthor DVD output profile
   INFO: [mplex] Multiplexing video program stream!
   INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: Video stream e0 (shrink.m2v)
   INFO: [mplex] VIDEO STREAM: e0
   INFO: [mplex] Frame width     : 720
   INFO: [mplex] Frame height    : 480
   INFO: [mplex] Aspect ratio    : 16:9 display
   INFO: [mplex] Picture rate    : 29.970 frames/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Bit rate        : 9800000 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Vbv buffer size : 229376 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] CSPF            : 0
   INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: AC3 Audio stream 00 (shifted.ac3)
   INFO: [mplex] AC3 frame size = 1792
   INFO: [mplex] AC3 AUDIO STREAM:
   INFO: [mplex] Bit rate       :    57344 bytes/sec (448 kbit/sec)
   INFO: [mplex] Frequency      :     48000 Hz
   INFO: [mplex] SYSTEMS/PROGRAM stream:
   INFO: [mplex] rough-guess multiplexed stream data rate    : 10470296
   INFO: [mplex] target data-rate specified               : 10080000
++ WARN: [mplex] Target data rate lower than computed requirement!
++ WARN: [mplex] N.b. a 20% or so discrepancy in variable bit-rate
++ WARN: [mplex] streams is common and harmless provided no time-outs will 
   INFO: [mplex] Run-in Sectors = 89 Video delay = 13019 Audio delay = 16022
   INFO: [mplex] New sequence commences...
   INFO: [mplex] Video e0: buf=      0 frame=000000 sector=00000000
   INFO: [mplex] Audio bd: buf=      0 frame=000000 sector=00000000
++ WARN: [mplex] Stream e0: data will arrive too late sent(SCR)=102253 
++ WARN: [mplex] Video e0: buf=  32875 frame=000061 sector=00000037
++ WARN: [mplex] Audio bd: buf=  14781 frame=000038 sector=00000034
   INFO: [mplex] STREAM bd completed @ frame 224847.
   INFO: [mplex] Scanned to end AU 172638
   INFO: [mplex] STREAM e0 completed @ frame 172638.
   INFO: [mplex] Multiplex completion at SCR=647777572.
   INFO: [mplex] Video e0: buf= 166924 frame=172638 sector=02065696
   INFO: [mplex] Audio bd: buf=      0 frame=001039 sector=00199865
   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:  4167166936 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:    15449
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        1
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :   172639
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :    15449
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :    15449 avg. size 83011 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :    45700 avg. size 27151 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :   111490 avg. size 14744 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Average bit-rate :  4631200 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Peak bit-rate    : 22742800  bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] BUFFERING min 15 Buf max 217521
   INFO: [mplex] Audio stream length 402927616 bytes.
   INFO: [mplex] Frames         :   224848
   INFO: [mplex] BUFFERING min 35 Buf max 5635
**ERROR: [mplex] MUX STATUS: Frame data under-runs detected!
EasyStreet:/workspace #
> Something is exceedingly weird.
Yeah, my fault with the wrong # for shifted.ac3 that misled you, but the 
179201 change did something also 
> cheers,
>       Andrew
> PS
> Is there a possibility you can put the file someplace where it can be
> downloaded? 400MB is a bit huge for email but no problem to download.

Sure, I can put it on a page on my website. Let me know if you want that.

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