Hi Bernhard:

I have checked and nothing else is running or using up any
relevant port (/dev/dsp 0-4   or   /dev/audio)

Just for testing, I even purposedly played an mp3 music
and then ran fuser and it did detect a process taking up

Any other suggestion?

Again the output I am getting is:

lavrec --software-encoding -in -q 100 --time=60 -s -Rl -m --audio-volume=-1 -v2 ./test.avi
  INFO: [lavrec] Recording parameters:
  INFO: [lavrec] Output format:      AVI
  INFO: [lavrec] Input Source:       BT8x8 1st input NTSC

  INFO: [lavrec] Decimation:         4
  INFO: [lavrec] Quality:            100
  INFO: [lavrec] Recording time:     60 sec
  INFO: [lavrec]
  INFO: [lavrec] MJPEG buffer size:  256 KB
  INFO: [lavrec] # of MJPEG buffers: 64
  INFO: [lavrec] Audio parameters:
  INFO: [lavrec] Audio sample size:           16 bit
  INFO: [lavrec] Audio sampling rate:         44100 Hz
  INFO: [lavrec] Audio is STEREO
  INFO: [lavrec] Audio input recording level: Use mixer setting
  INFO: [lavrec] Level of correction for Audio/Video synchronization:
  INFO: [lavrec] Lost frame compensation and frame drop/insert
--DEBUG: [lavrec] Maximum size per file will be 1739 MB
  INFO: [lavrec] Using mmap(2) system call for capture
  INFO: [lavrec] Auto detecting input and norm ...
  INFO: [lavrec] Unmuting tuner audio...
  INFO: [lavrec] Error setting tuner audio params: Invalid argument
++ WARN: [lavrec] Not ready for capture (state = 0)!

Press enter to start recording>Recording time  :  0.00.00:00
Lost frames     : 000
A/V sync ins/del: 000/000
Audio errors    : 000

From: Bernhard Praschinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: mjpeg-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Mjpeg-users] Strange error -- lavrec saying Not ready for capture
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 17:58:17 +0200


> Ok, I got more info. And it looks like it is my sound card. But not sure
> how I should
> fix it.   (FYI, I am using mythtv to record and everything works fine
> so I know my capture card + sound card can record.   I would like to try
> lavrec since I want a record in  mpeg setting).
Do you have any sound deamon running ? Oder any other Programm that uses
the /dev/dsp device ?

You can check that with: fuser /dev/dsp (0-4)

Than check which programm uses the dsp and stop it befor starting

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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