I am a newbie to lavrec so not sure if I am doing anything wrong.
I am on Linux version 2.6.9. And have a bt878 capture card:
00:08.0 Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video
Capture (rev 02)
00:08.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture
(rev 02)
I tried to use lavrec to record shows and played with different options but
it just give me
a one line "Not ready" message:
lavrec --software-encoding --format=a -in --quality=80
--geometry=720x480+0+0 --audio-bitsize=0 --time=60 ./test.avi
++ WARN: [lavrec] Not ready for capture (state = 0)!
Press enter to start recording>
Recording time : 0.00.00:00
Lost frames : 000
A/V sync ins/del: 000/000
Audio errors : 000
Am I doing anything wrong? I am not sure why it says something is not
ready. What is
not ready?
thanks for any tips.
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