On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Roine Gustafsson wrote:

> Interesting. What was the off-the-shelf price for the Opteron? The 

        At the time the Opteron-250 cpu was $825.   Or were you thinking of
        the complete system price?   I didn't buy a complete system - just
        a motherboard/cpu/memory kit and a powersupply (with the 24pin + 8pin
        configuration instead of the usual 20pin + 4pin).

> Opteron prices I've seen have been higher than the Apple G5 prices, but 
> maybe not 2x more.

        Overall complete system prices are comparable, the G5 systems are
        come very well equipped too, only thing I've added to mine is more
        memory and a disc.

> A more fair match to Opteron is probably the Power5, which has 

        Very true - but I don't have one of those yet ;)  Are they even 
        available. Perhaps later in the year Apple will announce a dual core
        Power5 based system.  That would be fantastic for running FinalCutPro.

> It's an urban myth that 64bit is faster than 32bit, like people assume 
> a 2GHz computer is twice as fast as a 1GHz computer.

        It's also an urban myth that 64bit is slower than 32bit :)

        That doesn't take into account the architecture and instruction set
        differences - more registers (and the IA32 is register starved),
        wider chunks of data being manipulated/crunched at one time, and so on.

> That is also why Apple have been reluctant to make a 64 bit Mac OS X, 

        Not really - main reason is most folks who surf the Inet or read their
        mail don't it.  

> OTOH, if yours *was* the currently baddest setup, then you *did* pay a 
> premium :)

        Of course - why settle for 2nd best?  It's the one toy a year I budget
        for and it ended up not being less than expected so there's room for
        another toy yet this year.

> I can get used 1GHz P3s for $50 now. A cluster of 100 of those is 

        That assumes that the task at hand can be split amoung machines _and_
        the overhead of communication/datamoving doesn't use most of the
        cpu cycles (and GigE TCP data moving will seriously cut into a P3's
        available cpu cycles).

        Now I could see a group of the single cpu AMD64-3500 or -3700 systems
        being used to divide an encoding job up.  That'd be cost effective
        and wouldn't fry the house electrical system :)

        Steven Schultz

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