On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Roine Gustafsson wrote:

> But clusters are difficult. They eat lots of electricity and put out 
> vast amounts of heat. They are also quite difficult to administrate and 
> only specific tasks scale well.

        Very true.  Some things (dealing with weather data) scale well to
        clusters, other things do not.  

        And the heating, airconditioning and electricity requirements are 
        as you mention very real problems

> And nowhere near as pretty as a dual G5 on your desktop! :)

        And nowhere near as QUIET.  The dual G5 is in the "is the thing even
        turned on" category of quiet.

        The "PC"s are much noisier (some "quiet" cases are "insulated" and
        suffer from overheating issues).

        Another important (to me at least) thing about the G5 and OS/X is 
        that I can calibrate the monitors and printers and get consistent 
        and correct colors (which becomes important when doing color 
        correction, etc).

        There's room in the "toolbox" for more than 1 tool - I use that which
        gets the task accomplished ;)

        Steven Schultz

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