On Tue, 14 Dec 2004, Ray Cole wrote:

> Glad to see someone else has the same type of problems :-)  I'm using 
> automake 1.8.5 and autoconf 2.59.  I get a ton of AM_CONDITIONAL errors.  

        Are you sure that automake is completely installed and that you 
        have all of the -devel packages (glib, gtk, sdl, ...)? 

> I'd love to try out some of the changes that have happened over the 
> past year but can't (sniff).

        Well, don't wait a year to ask for help next time :)

> Running libtoolize...
> You should add the contents of `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to 
> `aclocal.m4'.

        That's a bit misleading - I've always just ignored that when it pops

> Running aclocal  ...
> aclocal: configure.in: 68: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library
> aclocal: configure.in: 201: macro `AM_PATH_GLIB' not found in library
> aclocal: configure.in: 392: macro `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library
> aclocal: configure.in: 404: macro `AM_PATH_SDL' not found in library

        Hmmm, so the system apparently doesn't have libtool, libglib, libgtk
        or libsdl installed - or rather the libtool.m4, glib.m4, gtk.m4 and
        sdl.m4 files are not where autoconf/automake can find them.

> I assume part of it might have to do with the message saying I should 
> add the contents of '/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to 'aclocal.m4', but 

        Nope - ignore that part ...

> there is no such directory /usr/share/aclocal, and I have no idea what 
> path it is referring to for 'aclocal.m4' :-)

        THAT is the real problem.  automake isn't installed properly - the
        /usr/share/aclocal directory is where automake looks for the .m4 files
        for all the programs.  For example, on a SuSE 9.2 system:

ls /usr/share/aclocal
aalib.m4      intltool.m4         libsynce.m4      sdl.m4
alsa.m4       intmax.m4           libtool.m4       sigc++.m4
ao.m4         inttypes_h.m4       libxml.m4        signed.m4
ao-old.m4     inttypes.m4         libxosd.m4       size_max.m4
audiofile.m4  inttypes-pri.m4     libxslt.m4       smpeg.m4
avifile.m4    isc-posix.m4        longdouble.m4    speex.m4
codeset.m4    ksba.m4             longlong.m4      stdint_h.m4
dirlist       lcmessage.m4        ltdl.m4          uintmax_t.m4
dirlist.d     libFLAC.m4          netatalk.m4      ulonglong.m4
esd.m4        libFLAC++.m4        nls.m4           vorbis.m4
freetype2.m4  libgcrypt.m4        ogg.m4           vorbis-old.m4
gconf-1.m4    libgnutls-extra.m4  ogg-old.m4       wchar_t.m4
gettext.m4    libgnutls.m4        opencdk.m4       wine.m4
gimpprint.m4  lib-ld.m4           openexr.m4       wint_t.m4
glibc21.m4    lib-link.m4         openobex.m4      wxwin.m4
gnet-2.0.m4   libmcrypt.m4        parted.m4        xdelta.m4
gob2.m4       libmikmod.m4        pilot-link.m4    xml-i18n-tools.m4
gpg-error.m4  libOggFLAC.m4       pkg.m4           xmms.m4
gpgme.m4      libOggFLAC++.m4     po.m4            xsize.m4
guile.m4      lib-prefix.m4       printf-posix.m4
iconv.m4      librapi2.m4         progtest.m4
intdiv0.m4    libraw1394.m4       rra.m4

        notice the 'sdl.m4', 'libtool.m4' and so on.  Those are what the
        autoconf/automake need to run.  

        The .m4 files are in the various -devel packages.  But if you don't
        have /usr/share/aclocal* then there is something awry with the
        automake installation that's present on the system.

        Steven Schultz

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