On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Michael Hanke wrote:

> HAVE_PNG appears in configure.in. The stuff with HAVE_LIBPNG seems to be ok. 
> The resulting configure script finds the png libraries...

        Then, for some reason,  you do not have the current CVS version.  There
        is no such file as "configure.in" present today.  The configure.in
        file was replaced with "configure.ac" and in configure.ac there is
        a HAVE_LIBPNG but not HAVE_PNG.

        Did you do a fresh cvs checkout?  If so then I do not know why
        configure.in  exists - it should be configure.ac now.

> >     What version of autoconf and automake are installed on the system?
> I am using two different systems, SuSE 9.0 (Athlon/Pentium M) and SuSE 9.1 
> (P4).

        Both should work just fine (I was using SuSE 9.1 until about a month
        ago - the systems were upgraded to 9.2 at that time).


        Steven Schultz

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