
> I have now experimented a lot. The results were rather surprising for me.
Some reall life test, not just a developer how knows what can break ;)

> I am using the edit tab of LVS only because my hardware is much to slow for
> capturing in the GUI.
Why ? That shouldn't matter that much. 

> Here is what I got in the edit tab:
> - With all the video extensions loaded into the xserver: Playing the video
> gives only colored lines.
Adding sceens and playing them back works. 

> - Effect windows seem to work. The picture looks strange: Instead of dark
> colours, white pixels are displayed. Loosely spoken, black is represented as
> white while gray (and colored) tones are displayed correctly.
That can be some wrong options or something like that. Could you plreas
run LVS in th debug mode (lvs -d) so I can see what happens. 

My development version is currently in a stage where the transition to
GTK2 is nearly done. And the encode video part should work well. I has
now a dialog where you can choose the active size with a mouse-click :)
Instead of guessing around. 

> - Removing the XVideo extension from the server makes the play window working.
> I have 6 modules loaded. It is exactly extmod and v4l which much be disabled.
I didn't load it too. Maybe some well hidden problem. 

> Are there any hints?
Nothing that would solve your problems. If you want you can try the CVS
version. You might have to use a differnet Makefile.am, where you don't
have the gtkenhancedscale.c/h added.

> Hardware: NVidia GeForce 2 MX, Athlon 1200 (the old one)
> Software: Stock SuSE Linux 9.0, XFree, nvidia or nv driver, mjpegtools
> 1.6.2 (BTW: great work!!), lvs 0.1.7 (with my modifications)
Sound not bad. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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