
Recently I updated my old system to a recent SuSE 9.0. Unfortunately, Linux 
Video Studio does not work any longer.

I was building the mjpeg tools without any problems. They work as 
they should. I can record (lavrec) and play the material (lavplay, glav). 
When trying to edit the footprint in LVS, the preview window remains black 
while the scene list is ok. The same happens in the effect windows.

Are there any known issues? My graphic card is a GForce 2 MX. The behavior 
with both the nv driver (from XFree) and the nvidia driver (from NVidia) are 
the same. What can I do?

A minor issue: I can run LVS as root without any warnings. Doing the same as a 
user, GTK complains about not finding a module libpixmap.so in module_path. 
How can I set the module_path correctly?

Thank you.


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