
> > I didn't remember everything on that thread but. If you think you sound
> > card cannot play back the sound because the sound cad does not support
> > mmap play back. Thry playing back without sound -a 0.
> OK, if i try lavplay -v 2 -a 0 it works, here is the output:
Seems that you sound card is not able more likely ther driver you use is
not able to play back the audio in mmap mode. Please check that, and
maybe switch to a other driver.

> "glav -v 2 -a 0 test.avi" works too.

> > The -p S/C/H is only for the video.
> > Playing back the audio in read mode like it is possible when recording
> > is currently not possible.
> Hmm, when i had 1.6.0 installed on SuSE 7.3 i had no problems with
> lavplay or glav with sound...
That is strange does that version still work ?

> > loks not nice, would it be possible that you run that command again with
> > -v 2. And attach the output.
> OK, here is the output (with -v 2) if i try playback with sound (without
> -a 0):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lavplay -v 2 -p S test.avi
> lavplay1.6.2
> lavtools version 1.6.2
>     INFO: [lavplay] Initialising SDL
>     INFO: [lavplay] SDL YUV overlay: hardware
>     INFO: [lavplay] Using mmap(2) system call for capture
>     INFO: [lavplay] Output norm: PAL
>     INFO: [lavplay] Output dimensions: 768x576
> Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
> Speicherzugriffsfehler
Likely that the sound card cannot play back mmap mode, or some other
process is using the sound device. And lavplay cannot play back

You can chech if some process is using you sound card with fuser
/dev/dsp, for example.

> Hmm, here is the output of lavinfo, looks like the output of playwave is
> wrong when i open the wavefile done by lav2wav, so audio has 44100, must
> be an error with playwave then :-)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lavinfo test.avi
> has_audio=1
> audio_bps=4
> audio_chans=2
> audio_bits=16
> audio_rate=44100
> num_video_files=1
Lookes fine.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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