>> OK, compiled libquicktime and mjpegtools 1.6.2. Worked find, i didn't
>> get any errors, after compiling i tested lavrec with my Pinnacle Dc10
>> Card, and it worked this time, i tested it several times to make sure >> it

> Hurrah!

>> wasn't a one time thing :-)
>    :)
>> But neither glav nor lavplay work, i get SegFault for both programms,
>> borsti:/video/video # glav -v 2 test.mov
>> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Initialising SDL
>> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] SDL YUV overlay: hardware
>> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Using mmap(2) system call for capture
>> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Output norm: PAL
>> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Output dimensions: 768x576
>> ++: Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

>    Hmmm, I wonder if 'mmap(2)' is part of the problem.  Is there a
>    method you can use that does not involve mmap?

Hmm, I have no idea...

>> borsti:/video/video # lavplay -v 2 test.mov
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] Opening video file test.mov ...
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] File: test.mov, absolute name: >>/video/video/test.mov
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] frames: 519
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] width: 768
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] height: 576
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] interlacing: top field first
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] frames/sec: 25.000
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] audio samps: 915516
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] audio chans: 2
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] audio bits: 16
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] audio rate: 44100
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] 1.0/SPVF = 25.0000
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] Initializing the threading system
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] Starting software playback thread
>> --DEBUG: [lavplay] Playback thread: sleeping for new frames (waiting >> for frame 0)
>> INFO: [lavplay] Initialising SDL
>> INFO: [lavplay] SDL YUV overlay: hardware
>> INFO: [lavplay] Using mmap(2) system call for capture
>> INFO: [lavplay] Output norm: PAL
>> INFO: [lavplay] Output dimensions: 768x576
>> Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

>    Both of those look to be the same problem - an SDL issue of some > kind.
>> I have SDL Version 1.2.5 installed.
>    Hmmm, I wonder if a later version might work (I think 1.2.6 is
>    released, I use the CVS version of the SDL which I think is > 1.2.7)

OK, i have been trying version 1.2.6 and the CVS one, with both versions i still the the SegFault for both (glav and lavplay) programs...

>> I have been trying lav2yuv and lav2wav too, to see what happens, >> however
>> with the command "lav2wav test.avi | mp2enc -o test.wav i get the
>> following output (the output of lav2yuv and mpeg2enc is OK):
> Does "lav2yuv test.avi | yuvplay" work? If that does not work > then
> I think there is a SDL bug and the problem is not in lav2yuv at > all.

Yes, "lav2yuv test.avi | yuvplay" wors, here is the output (a few lines...)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lav2yuv test.avi | yuvplay
++ WARN: [lav2yuv] unspecified sample-aspect-ratio --- taking a guess...
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0000 - 0:00:00.00
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0001 - 0:00:00.01
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0002 - 0:00:00.02
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0003 - 0:00:00.03
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0004 - 0:00:00.04
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0005 - 0:00:00.05
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0006 - 0:00:00.06
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0007 - 0:00:00.07
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0008 - 0:00:00.08
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0009 - 0:00:00.09
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0010 - 0:00:00.10
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0011 - 0:00:00.11
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0012 - 0:00:00.12
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0013 - 0:00:00.13
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0014 - 0:00:00.14

>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lav2wav test.mov | mp2enc -o test.wav
>>     INFO: [mp2enc] System is little endian
>> **ERROR: [lav2wav] rewind failed - wav-header is corrupt
>>     INFO: [mp2enc] Avg slots/frame = inf; b/smp = inf; br = inf kbps
>>     INFO: [mp2enc] Encoding with psychoacoustic model 2 is finished
>>     INFO: [mp2enc] The MPEG encoded output file name is "test.wav"
>    Does something like this work?
>       lav2wav test.mov > foo.wav
>       mp2enc -o test.wav < foo.wav

Yes, that one worked, but at the end test.wav cannot be opened, looks like there is a problem with mp2enc, if i play "foo.wav" with playwave it works,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lav2wav test.avi > foo.wav
   INFO: [lav2wav] WAV done
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> playwave foo.wav
Opened audio at 22050 Hz 16 bit stereo

But then after i did mp2enc -o test.wav < foo.wav i get this when i try to play the wavefile:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> playwave test.wav
Opened audio at 22050 Hz 16 bit stereo
Couldn't load test.wav: Unrecognized file type (not VOC)

Here is the output of mp2enc :

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> mp2enc -o test.wav < foo.wav
   INFO: [mp2enc] Opened WAV file, freq = 44100 Hz, channels = 2, bits = 16
   INFO: [mp2enc] format = 0x1, audio length = 4290048 bytes
   INFO: [mp2enc] slots/frame = 731
   INFO: [mp2enc] frac SpF=0.429, tot bitrate=224 kbps, s freq=44.1 kHz
   INFO: [mp2enc] Fractional number of slots, padding required
   INFO: [mp2enc] System is little endian
   INFO: [mp2enc] Avg slots/frame = inf; b/smp = inf; br = inf kbps
   INFO: [mp2enc] Encoding with psychoacoustic model 2 is finished
   INFO: [mp2enc] The MPEG encoded output file name is "test.wav"

There is another thing that confuses me, the audio has actually 44100 Hz but the wav only has got 22050 Hz...


Frühmesser B.

>    The wav header is written at the end of the lav2wav program's > run - and
>    that is done by "seeking".  Can't seek on pipes so the wav > header is
>    incorrect/corrupt.
>    Good Luck.
>    Cheers,
>    Steven Schultz

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