On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Bernhard Frühmesser wrote:

>  >> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Using mmap(2) system call for capture
>  >> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Output norm: PAL
>  >> ++:    INFO: [lavplay] Output dimensions: 768x576
>  >> ++: Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
>  >    Hmmm, I wonder if 'mmap(2)' is part of the problem.  Is there a
>  >    method you can use that does not involve mmap?
> Hmm, I have no idea...

        Oh, ok.  I seem to remember  a "software"/"hardware" choice - ah,
        if you do a "lavplay -h" you'll see:

           -p/--playback [SHC]        playback: (S)oftware, (H)ardware (screen) or 

        what happens if you use "-p S" in the lavplay command?

> OK, i have been trying version 1.2.6 and the CVS one, with both versions 
> i still the the SegFault for both (glav and lavplay) programs...

        One good thing is that now you have the latest SDL :)

        I think "-p S" will work for you though.

> Yes, "lav2yuv test.avi | yuvplay" works, here is the output (a few lines...)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> lav2yuv test.avi | yuvplay
> ++ WARN: [lav2yuv] unspecified sample-aspect-ratio --- taking a guess...
>     INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0000 - 0:00:00.00

        Hurrah!   That is good, and says SDL is working.

>  >       lav2wav test.mov > foo.wav
>  >       mp2enc -o test.wav < foo.wav
        I made a mistake - that should, of course, have been "-o test.mp2".
        The output of mp2enc is a MPEG-1/Layer-2 file not a WAV file.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/video/video> playwave test.wav
> Opened audio at 22050 Hz 16 bit stereo
> Couldn't load test.wav: Unrecognized file type (not VOC)


                mpg123 test.wav

        or if you use "-o test.mp2" (as I should have written)

                mpg123 test.mp2

        that will work I believe.

> There is another thing that confuses me, the audio has actually 44100 Hz 
> but the wav only has got 22050 Hz...

        mp2enc -h

        -r num     Force output sampling rate to be num Hz (default: 44100)

        22050 is not a valid rate for VCD/DVD/SVCD - mp2enc is upsamping the
        audio to 44100.   You can specify a different rate with "-r".

        Steven Schultz

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