>From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Thomas_B=F6rkel?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 15:06:59 +0100
 >Sorry to reply on the list, but your host ist blacklisted, so I cannot 
 >send email to you.

(This message is meant for *me*, right?  Lots of people on this list,
 and quite a few even involved in this thread.

 Who/what blacklisted my host?  We've been receiving bounces here lately
 because of some virus-laden email which has a spoofed "mir.com" in the
 headers.  But, if a server was actually blacklisting based on the From:
 header of such messages, well, that would be pretty dumb.)

 >I tried to use some automatic guesses from y4mscaler, but they did not
 >do what's IMHO right.

Two things:

 a)  What is the sample aspect ratio of your source stream?

 b)  Could you send a copy of the log output?  
      y4mscaler produces a pretty detailed report of what it thinks
      it is doing.

I didn't see "10/11" anywhere in your calculations, which leads me to
 think that the bug probably belongs to you, not y4mscaler.  :)

-matt m.

 >I have an NTSC AVI with 640x352 16:9. I want to transcode it to MPEG2
 >NTSC 4:3 (720x480).
 >According to my calculations, this means X-scaling to 720
 >and adding 2 black letterbox bars of 64 pixels each:
 >I calculate:
 >destX = TVwidth
 >destY = TVheight x 4/3 x sourceY/sourceX
 >letterbox = (TVheight - destY) / 2
 >destX = 720
 >destY = 480 x 4/3 x 352/640 = 352 (that means, I do not have to scale Y)
 >letterbox = (480 - 352) / 2 = 64
 >I tried telling y4mscaler that the source is NTSC_WIDE and the
 >destination is NTSC, I also tried supplying the destination size, but I
 >always ended up with one of these problems:
 >- uses only 630x350 of the source
 >- sets destination active area to 720x204 or something
 >So I now provide all info manually (source size, dest size, dest active,
 >dest pos) and this works. Maybe I did something wrong, maybe it's a bug.

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