> > The sinc* kernels are very bad at removing noise. IMHO, the
> > cubic* kernels are better for this job...
>       That's what yuvdenoise is for :)

Well, sort of.  It removes noise temporally.  But it would be nice to
have a spatial lowpass filter in the toolbox also to reduce noise that
way.  Using a simpler kernel like cubic in y4mscaler does this as a
somewhat unintended consequence.  It would be useful to be able to
independently specify the filter (kernel) bandwidth and the
subsampling/scaling ratio, then y4mscaler could scale, filter, or both
in one call.  Right now one has to scale down to achieve the desired
bandwidth, then scale up to achieve the desired resolution.

It should be an easy change, also.  What say you, Matt?

>       For clean sources the sinc kernels are better at preserving
>       detail (it's an open question how many taps to use - should one
>       use 4,6 or 8?) - at least that's been my observation.

Sure, because they preserve the high spatial frequencies better
(including the noise that lies there).

Dan Scholnik

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