Matto Marjanovic wrote:
>Sorry to reply on the list, but your host ist blacklisted, so I cannot >send email to you.

(This message is meant for *me*, right?  Lots of people on this list,
 and quite a few even involved in this thread.

Right. ;-)

 Who/what blacklisted my host?  We've been receiving bounces here lately
 because of some virus-laden email which has a spoofed "mir.com" in the
 headers.  But, if a server was actually blacklisting based on the From:
 header of such messages, well, that would be pretty dumb.)

I don't know, WHO did it, but I got this back in the bounce:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (reason: 550-http://dsbl.org/listing?ip=

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mailhost.mir.com.:


<<< 550-http://dsbl.org/listing?ip= <<< 550 mail from rejected: administrative prohibition (host is blacklisted) 550 5.1.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

The same happened with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 >I tried to use some automatic guesses from y4mscaler, but they did not
 >do what's IMHO right.
 a)  What is the sample aspect ratio of your source stream?


b) Could you send a copy of the log output? y4mscaler produces a pretty detailed report of what it thinks
it is doing.

See below.

I didn't see "10/11" anywhere in your calculations, which leads me to
 think that the bug probably belongs to you, not y4mscaler.  :)

I don't know about "10/11", but I know, that if my source is 640x352, then I don't want an active source area that is smaller. Also, I want a full letterboxed NTSC frame as result. This is what I tried:

1. -I sar=16:9 -O sar=NTSC

   INFO: [y4mscaler] Input Stream Header:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<   frame size:  640x352 pixels (337920 bytes)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<   frame rate:  30000/1001 fps (~29.970030)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<    interlace:  none/progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<< sample aspect ratio:  ?:?
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Source matte region defaulting to full source frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Source active region defaulting to full source frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target interlacing defaulting to match source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target chroma subsampling defaulting to match source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target frame size defaulting to match source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target active region defaulting to full target frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Deriving ratios from active regions and SARs...
   INFO: [y4mscaler] ...using scaling ratios which pad target.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] ...using scaling ratios which are simple.
++ WARN: [y4mscaler] Target active region clipped by projection of source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === SOURCE parameters: =================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < stream:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   640x352, SAR 16:9, progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma subsampling:  420_JPEG
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma ss ratios:  x 1:2  y 1:2
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < active region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   640.000000x352.000000 at 0.000000,0.000000
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < matte region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   640x352 at 0,0  (bg Y'CbCr: 16,128,128)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === SCALING parameters: ================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] | Scaler:  Matto's Generic Scaler
   INFO: [y4mscaler] |          kernels:  linear, linear
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === TARGET parameters: =================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > stream:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >   640x352, SAR 10:11, progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma subsampling:  420_JPEG
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma ss ratios:  x 1:2  y 1:2
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > active region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >   640x180 at 0,86  (bg Y'CbCr: 16,128,128)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > X ratio:  1/1
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > Y ratio:  45/88
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Output Stream Header:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>   frame size:  640x352 pixels (337920 bytes)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>   frame rate:  30000/1001 fps (~29.970030)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>    interlace:  none/progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>> sample aspect ratio:  10:11

2. -I sar=16:9 -O sar=4:3 -O size=720x480

   INFO: [y4mscaler] Input Stream Header:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<   frame size:  640x352 pixels (337920 bytes)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<   frame rate:  30000/1001 fps (~29.970030)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<<    interlace:  none/progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <<< sample aspect ratio:  ?:?
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Source matte region defaulting to full source frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Source active region defaulting to full source frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target interlacing defaulting to match source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target chroma subsampling defaulting to match source.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Target active region defaulting to full target frame.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Deriving ratios from active regions and SARs...
   INFO: [y4mscaler] ...using scaling ratios which pad target.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] ...using scaling ratios which are simple.
++ WARN: [y4mscaler] Target active region clipped by projection of source.
++ WARN: [y4mscaler] Source active region clipped by projection of target.
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === SOURCE parameters: =================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < stream:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   640x352, SAR 16:9, progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma subsampling:  420_JPEG
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma ss ratios:  x 1:2  y 1:2
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < active region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   630.000000x350.250000 at 5.000000,0.750000
   INFO: [y4mscaler] < matte region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   640x352 at 0,0  (bg Y'CbCr: 16,128,128)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === SCALING parameters: ================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] | Scaler:  Matto's Generic Scaler
   INFO: [y4mscaler] |          kernels:  linear, linear
   INFO: [y4mscaler] === TARGET parameters: =================
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > stream:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >   720x480, SAR 4:3, progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma subsampling:  420_JPEG
   INFO: [y4mscaler] <   chroma ss ratios:  x 1:2  y 1:2
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > active region:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >   720x300 at 0,90  (bg Y'CbCr: 16,128,128)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > X ratio:  8/7
   INFO: [y4mscaler] > Y ratio:  6/7
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Output Stream Header:
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>   frame size:  720x480 pixels (518400 bytes)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>   frame rate:  30000/1001 fps (~29.970030)
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>>    interlace:  none/progressive
   INFO: [y4mscaler] >>> sample aspect ratio:  4:3

Now I do: y4mscaler -v 0 -I sar=16:9 -I active=640x352+0+0 -O size=720x480 -O active=720x352+0+64


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