Using --keep-hf to mpeg2enc does increase the output bitrate over keeping
everything else the same and not using --keep-hf.  However, it does, at
least to me, seem to also eliminate the halo/ringing effect from sharp
edge transitions in the encoded video.

I'm using DC10+'s to capture, and when I was experimenting I would compare
the recorded mjpeg played back over a DC10+ to the encoded mpeg, and I did
not "see" the halo from the DC10+ card, but did see it from the H+
playback of the encoded mpegs when I tried using -N (--reduce-hf).  Not
using either  keep|reduce seemed to eliminate most of the halo/ghosting,
but overall, I was happier with the --keep-hf encodings than without.

As most of my usage is timeshift, a few megs this way or that often does
not matter.  For the times it does, I've found the results more pleasant
to do yuvdenoise/yuvmedian and then adjust -q and -Q to meet my size needs
than to use -N to shrink the resultant mpeg.  I.e., that a lower -q value
is far less noticeable than the halo from -N.

--- Steven Boswell II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a previous conversation on this mailing list, I was advised against
> using --keep-hf with analog source material.  However, my (informal)
> tests seemed to indicate that --keep-hf did pretty good with denoised
> (i.e. yuvdenoise/yuvmedianfilter) analog source material.  I wasn't sure
> if it was just my imagination.
> Anyone have any experience with this?
> Steven Boswell, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Richard Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:In my experience with
> experimenting with the --reduce-hf flag to mpeg2enc,
> that having the flag turned on created a ringing effect at sharp edge
> transitions in the playback image.
> [...]
> I have not been able to find a similar effect from using
> yuvdenoise/yuvmedian and turning on the "--keep-hf" flag to mpeg2enc.
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