On 12/5/10 5:11 PM, Jamie Paul Griffin wrote:
> if nothing else think about the charges they put on every transaction: you 
> sell something on ebay, they charge you; you process their payment through 
> paypal (ebay) they charge you again. they're clearly ripping us all us all 
> off - fact! and to top it all of the charges have become extortionate.

Perhaps everything should just be (lowercase) free?  No charge ever
for anything.  Heck, if that is how it worked, then this entire
discussion would not be taking place as OpenBSD would not need funds
to continue its operations (and in that sense I would be greatly
relieved, since I would likely have to hear less about Theo's
selective outrage.  Speaking of that outrage, I think it would be
great if he put his money where his mouth is and not accept US
dollars in support of OpenBSD... but I am not holding my breath).

But things are not free.  It takes commerce to produce nearly every
material good, as distasteful as that might be to some people.  It
is called business.  No one is forcing anyone to use ebay or paypal.
 If anyone wants to play in their marketplace, however, they must
play by the established rules.

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