2010/12/7 ropers <rop...@gmail.com>:
>> 2010/12/5 Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org>:
>>> Such an American viewpoint.
> On 7 December 2010 08:02, fqui nonez <fquinon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, revising old documents, the word America was not used by the
>> Government of US;  but after I and II world war; when Europeans
>> properly used America to refer to the continent or its troops from
>> Canada, US and maybe others countries this word was taken as if it
>> were referring to US; i do not know if it is by ignorance or by
>> conceit.
> Do you have any sources or links to such research?
> regards,
> --ropers


           Agr. francisco Quinonez.
      "Our mission, feed the World"
   "notre mission, nourrir au monde"
 "Nuestra mision, alimentar al mundo"

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